
Next-Gen Sequencing Library Preparation Quality Control
Illumina BeadArray Cell Line Authentication Sanger Sequencing

Next-Gen Sequencing Services

NovaSeq X Plus 1.5B / 10B / 25B Flow cells Now Available!

The CWRU Genomics Core offers sequencing services on Illumina MiSeq, NextSeq 550, and NovaSeq X Plus instruments. Prices listed include necessary reagents and processing fees for the run only. All samples run on the Illumina instruments must first undergo final library quality control (QC) performed by the Core. Library Prep, QC, and other services requested are not included the cost of the run and will be charged separately. Pricing updated July 2024. 

NovaSeq X - Plus

  • 10 billion clusters across 8 lanes are available in two different kit options: 300 cycle and 100 cycle
  • For smaller projects - select Shared Flow cell - 1.25B clusters per lane
  • Any run type (up to 300 cycles) can be selected for the shared flow cell
  • 1.5B and 25B flow cell options now available! 

NextSeq 550

  • Great for mid-range projects (130-400M reads)


  • Best for 18S / ITS and amplicon sequencing
  • Used as QC tool before sequencing larger throughput (Micro / Nano)

All pricing listed is for all CWRU affiliates and non-profit affiliates. For "for-profit" pricing, contact Simone Edelheit.

Sequencing Strategy # of Reads Run Type Pricing
 NovaSeq X 1.5B - Shared F/C 750M (1 lane, of 2) ANY $1,700
 NovaSeq X 1.5B - 100 cycle 1.5B PE 50 / 10X $2,400
 NovaSeq X 1.5B - 300 cycle 1.5B PE 150 $3,200
 NovaSeq X 10B - Shared F/C 1.25B (1 lane, of 8) ANY $1,700
 NovaSeq X 10B - 100 cycle 10B PE 50 / 10X $8,500
 NovaSeq X 10B - 300 cycle 10B PE 150 $11,000
 NovaSeq X 25B - 300 cycle 25B PE 150 $20,000
 NextSeq 550 High Output - 75 cycle  400M SR 75 $1,900
 NextSeq 550 High Output - 150 cycle 400M PE 75 $3,400
 NextSeq 550 High Output - 300 cycle 400M PE 150 $5,400
NextSeq 550 Mid Output - 150 cycle 130M SR 75 / PE 75 $1,500
NextSeq 550 Mid Output - 300 cycle 130M PE 150 $2,300
 MiSeq v3 - 600 cycle 25M PE 300 $2,400
 MiSeq v3 - 150 cycle 25M PE 75 $1,500
 MiSeq v2 Micro - 300 cycle 4M PE 150 $700
 MiSeq v2 Nano - 300 cycle 1M PE 150 $500



Library Prep Services 

The CWRU Genomics Core offers a wide range of library prep services for both RNA and DNA. Prices include necessary reagents, processing fees, and QC of starting material and final libraries. The cost of sequencing is not included and will be charged separately. Discounts on larger projects are only applied when samples are submitted on the same day. Pricing updated October 2023.

All pricing listed is for all CWRU affiliates and non-profit affiliates. For profit, add 60%.

Library Type (DNA) Description Price / Library
 Whole Genome Library - PCR Free  <24 samples $125
   >24 samples $100
 Whole Genome Library  <24 samples $100
   >24 samples $75
 Human Exome Library  <12 samples $250
   >12 samples $200
 16S / ITS / custom amplicon  Full plate (up to 96 reactions) $1,750
   Half plate (up to 48 reactions) $1,250
 Amplicon - Index ONLY  Full plate (up to 96 reactions) $1,250
 ChIP-seq / CUT&RUN  Submit targeted DNA $175
 CRISPR-Cas 9 Validation  Pool up to 288 amplicons $15


Library Type (RNA) Descriptions Price / Library
 Total RNA Library   Library #1-8 $200
   Library #9-96 $175
 mRNA Library  Poly-A enrichment  $150
 RIP-seq  Submit enriched RNA $200
 Small RNA-seq  Submit total or enriched RNA $200
 10X Single Cell Platform  Contact AFGC



Quality Control Services 

The CWRU Genomics Core accepts samples for DNA and RNA QC at various stages of processing. Samples are analyzed on the Agilent Fragment Analyzer using the appropriate kit or other specified instruments. Prices updated October 2023.

Service Description Price
 QUBIT  Concentration of total RNA, DNA, and/or prepared library $5.00/sample
 DNA QC  Agilent Fragment Analyzer – incl. Qubit $18.00/sample
   eGel – incl. Qubit $7.00/sample
 RNA QC  Agilent Fragment Analyzer – incl. Qubit $18.00/sample
 Final Library QC  Agilent Fragment Analyzer – incl. Qubit $18.00/sample
   qPCR Analysis – incl. Qubit $40.00/reaction
 MiSeq Library QC Run  Illumina MiSeq v2 Nano flowcell $500.00/run
 DNA Shearing  Covaris S2 $20.00/tube
 DNA Size Selection  Pippin Prep - price per cartridge (1-5 samples) $75.00/cartridge
 Pooling  Mix up to 12 libraries with unique tags into one pool $25.00
   Mix up to 24 libraries with unique tags into one pool $50.00
   Mix up to 48 libraries with unique tags into one pool  $75.00
   Mix up to 96 libraries with unique tags into one pool $100.00
 Bead Clean-up  Final Library Bead Clean-up - incl. Qubit and Bioanalzyer $25.00/sample


Illumina Genotyping/Methylation BeadArray Services

For Illumina genotyping/gene expression projects prices include only processing fee. Reagents are extra and should be purchased directly through Illumina. Prices updated October 2023.

BeadArray Service Description Price / Chip
 Infinium Genotyping Array up to 12 samples per chip $300
  up to 24 samples per chip $400
 Infinium MethylationEPIC Array incl. Zymo EZ DNA Methylation Prep $400
  FFPE processing $200


Cell Line Authentication 

Cell Line Authentication services are available using the Promega GenePrint 10 system.

As of July 1, 2024 standard Sanger sequencing and genotyping/microsatellite services have been discontinued. 

Service Details Price / Sample
 Cell Line Authentication Includes Final Report $100.00

Submit a Request

All pricing listed is for all CWRU affiliates and non-profit affiliates. For profit, add 60%.